Holistic Nutrition Certificate Program: Application Form


Complete applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis throughout the year. Applicants are strongly urged to submit application materials as early as possible. Please contact the KCC Registrar at registrar@kootenaycolumbiacollege.com if you require assistance with this application. 

1. Personal Information

2. Education

3. Related Training

4. Interests

Emergency Contact

A. Review Your Application

Payment instructions: Application fee may be paid via e-transfer to financeoffice@kootenaycolumbiacollege.com (please write in the description: first name, last name - HNC Application Fee). Out-of-country applicants should submit the application fee in the form of a money order in Canadian funds. In case you have difficulty obtaining Canadian funds, please contact KCC. International applicants may also pay by wire transfer (please add an additional $50 bank processing fee for Wire Transfer). 

Once your application is submitted, you will be contacted for a personal or Google Meets interview.

The admission requirements cannot be waived by either the College or the applicant.

B. Sign

I hereby attest that all information provided in this application is true.

Signature of Applicant

Applications should be sent to: 

Registrar: registrar@kootenaycolumbiacollege.com 

Kootenay Columbia College
402 Richards St. West
Nelson, BC 
Canada V1L 3K3

Toll free: 1-888-333-8868 
Phone: (250) 352-5887
Fax: (250) 352-3458    
Applicants are advised to familiarize themselves
with the current curriculum via our website and/or the information package. All fees, terms, courses and financial policies are subject to change without notice. 

All materials filed in support of this application become part of your permanent, confidential 
record at KCC: they will not be returned.